GATE15, ’10 Jaar Studenten Stad’ Design, lay-out and art-works for GATE15 ’10th anniversary’ magazine. GATE15 is a branch of the non-profit association Antwerpen Studentenstad. A group of enthusiastic people serving students life in Antwerp in every possible way. For the celebration of their 10th anniversary we decided to make an aspirational magazine, accompanied… Continue reading GATE15 Magazine
Tag: Gate15
Gate15 Corporate gift
Gate15 Corporate gift Design & artworks for corporate gift of Gate15 _ Many thanks to team Gate15 for the pleasant cooperation Copy by Marlies Beckers (Bubblelab)
Gate15 – Introduction folder
Gate15 – Introduction folder For the new location of GATE15, the team asked me to make an informational folder to guide new visitors through their new building. We had this idea to give it some kind of an ‘airplane safety construction card’ look. Using a flexible, water resistant paper, working with icons and ‘safety construction grid’.… Continue reading Gate15 – Introduction folder
student guide, Antwerp, 2014-2015
Student guide, Antwerp 2014-2015 “The new edition of the unsurpassed Student Guide Antwerp is calling your name at our new place, Gate15. All the known ingredients and more: not-to-be-missed hotspots, fun neighbourhoods, new cafes & shops, culture for less than EUR 1.5, sports at student-friendly prices, a practical city map,… Published for and by students.”_Gate15… Continue reading student guide, Antwerp, 2014-2015